Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tales From Normal, Mn.: "The Worship of Deep Pockets"-----FICTION

It has always been an interest of mine....what people believe...and do not believe...what they worship and adore....and what they distain...it tells a lot about folks....

Recently, it has been a real mystery...talking to some local political types...they keep saying that even though the health effects of wind turbines set close to residential areas are well known...even though they cause sleep disturbance...and yes even learning disabilities.....this is a small price to pay for being green....and besides..the politicos whispered..."these folks have BIG pockets"----It was that last phrase that bewildered me. What's with the DEEP POCKETS?"

So---I did what I always do when I have questions---I just picked up the phone and dialed my old friend Herman, the countryboylawyer from Normal, Mn...He was street smart...legally wise...a member of the Normal School Board...and besides he did some wills and estates in his law practice, traded some stock options in his spare time...but mostly fished for bass in the day time. In short...he was not your Twitter kind of guy--he was grounded...he should know about the "worship of deep pockets."

"What's with the worship of Deep Pockets?" I asked. "What kinda cult is this?"

Herman let out a huge bellylaugh:

Shucks Wolfman (that's what he always called me), this is just normal politics. Elected leaders are really hooked on the cash....it's not the POCKETS, but the cash IN the pockets that talks.....Up here in Normal, it's the oil lobby that has the deep pockets,,,and the mining lobby...and yes...the booze lobby. In your state it might be the cheese lobby.

Politicians need money to wage huge campaigns, and ultimately they just end up pandering to the folks with the deepest pockets....and spend most of their time focused on issues like rescuing us from "Ash borer disease". That is a wonderful thing to campaign about, cause...well...the ash borer lobby just has very small pockets.

WOW. What a revelation. And now it did make sense...the Ash Borer thing..I do remember some memos about that sometime back...and how deeply they felt about it...after all...they did have to stand for something....and that was the only thing left...the deep pocket folks had everything else covered.

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