Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Candidate stays we should remain "Strong" and create a few new Wars: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

Recently Wally the "Weasel" Thompson, the conservative candidate for Mayor in Normal, Mn. spoke at the Rotary Luncheon held at the Spruce Goose Motel in Normal, Mn. You may remember the Spruce Goose Motel, cause it is the only motel that has a deer head on the wall in every room, plus all the beds come down from the wall. ...and under the pillow of each bed is a mini-snickers bar...anyway..I digress. Wally spoke softly, but firmly and said that America needed a new WAR right now in order to be "strong" and avoid the "fiscal cliff". He said he "hated" war personally, but was enthusiastic for young men that had no job prospects anyway, and who could learn a useful trade, such as mine detection and hand to hand combat----stuff that might come in handy when they got back home in bar fights...

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