Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Vouchers" blamed for Minnesota Weather: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

Just got the text today from the guys at Betty Lou's Coffee Shop in Normal, Mn.....they are very sure that the extreme weather in Minnesota lately...with a snowstorm this week...all this weather was caused by private school "vouchers." I did text them back and asked for clarification...They said that they were considering blaming foreign terrorism, due to religious extremism, but after thinking about it, there has been so little religion of any sort in Normal, Mn. that it did not seem reasonable..Then again, years ago before vouchers, the weather was so much more regular...and thus vouchers must be the cause. Local labor pundits were pleased...after all, that had been their mantra for years. Stay tuned as I follow this story.

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