Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sedentary Workers Urged to "Be More Active": Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

Just got the tweet today from some loyal workers at the Normal Widget Factory in Normal, Mn.---seems they got a memo from their health insurance company that urged them to "be more active" in their call center and manufacturing jobs....and included some ideas in the memo such as walking in place even if they had to stay behind their desks, parking at the edge of the parking lot to walk a few steps farther, and using the steps rather than the elevator, even though they are prohibited from using the upper floors in the facility....and the memo went on to say that their basic health coverage was being cut with respect to prescriptions and that management hoped that a little more activity on the employees part would compensate them for the lack of coverage...stay tuned as I follow this story.

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