Thursday, November 28, 2013
Financial Pundits advise never leaving home: Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the text today from Billy Bob's Finance Service, that the latest advice for young grads is to "Stay Home" and save money...let your parents is best for you that way...
The text went on to great lengths to explain that if a youngster wanted to buy a racing bike, a good car, or take some life changing trips abroad, it only would make sense financially if one lived at home so the rent, the tv, the movie channel and the telephone were completely paid for by the parents...that was the secret to a fulfilling life...and yes, I suppose one could make them pay the student loans as well....
stay tuned as I follow this story.
"Spread the Pain--Enjoy the Gain": Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION
It is the Holiday season---and the bass fishermen in Normal, Mn. have just texted me the next strategy of conservatives during this season of joy and is a little unusual...but they feel that over the long run, say a few decades, it will bring peace and joy to their political persuasion....
The strategy is "Spread the Pain": In the short term, and for many of you this is the rest of your means that you will not have any health care, or any income benefits to speak will be the real pain...but in the long in decades from now, others will be pleased that their forefathers died with better balance sheets, and leaving less debt for them to cover..
Yes it would have been nice if those wonderful Greatest Generation folks had had this theory earlier, but now that they have passed on their war debts to the Baby Boomers, it is the perfect time to renounce the commitments that previously had been made to the adds a new meaning to the word "boom."
Remember to spread the is the holiday season.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Hockey Players want to Sue somebody, but Cannot remember Who: Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the note that down at the courthouse in the frozen tundra of Normal, Mn, the older guys who were hockey specialists, which was most all the guys...they all showed up to file the papers to sue for recovery due to their injuries, but could not remember who to put in the defendant spot....they forgot.
All the "Hot Stars" Wear NO OVERCOATS : Tales from Normal, Mn: FICTION
Just got the tweet...from the coffee shop at Betty Lou's----the latest fad in the frozen tundra is for the young hot movie stars there...or at least the young, hot filling station attendants and bait store clerks, to not wear overcoats...It says in a bold way that they are too hot for normal outerwear....One of the older guys, yes a bass fisherman tried it too, but caught pneumonia...just a note to all you older just can't cure stupid...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Smart "Bear" Heggies angry that Dumb "Market Bulls" are making all the money: Tales From Normal, Mn.; FICTION
Just got the tweet---it's bad weather on the frozen tundra and the bass fishermen have gathered for a full day conference at Betty Lou's Coffee shop to talk shop and politics---and also makin money....they were just yucking it up today as they were watching a "bear" market advisor on the talk shows who said that according to an efficient market theory, and a full measure of "randomness" it just did not make sense for the market to go straight up without a meaningful correction...why, for it to go straight up was a sign of it being....rigged...fixed...or at least "pumped".
If an investor had just bought and held one would have made over 25%. The bass fishermen just smiled and winked...they all knew....
Saturday, November 23, 2013
They Would rather be "dumb" than Pay for "News": Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got a tweet from the guys in Normal, Mn.---they were all drinking coffee at Betty Lou's and were sharing to a man that they all absolutely refused to pay for online news, no matter how cheap the introductory offer...."I want my news "FREE" one guy shouted--and everyone applauded...and they all agreed that everything seemed a lot more peaceful now that nobody knew anything...there was a real serenity in not knowing all the murders and assaults and shoddy political news too...and they felt a lot better for it...and of course whenever they got bored they could just go to the bar and get the football games on tv...what could be better....stay tuned as I follow the death of the news.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Market Gurus Excited About the positive outlook for cheese, beef and heart disease; Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Wall Street pundits sounded the praises of cheese today as they became visibly excited about the success of cheese, beef, beer and heart disease---and they also said that prospects for medical professionals that are engaged with weight management and drugs for weight management are particularly promising...they were unsure whether physicians could in the long term be patient with the hand holding necessary for diet and excercise, since the airwaves are so saturated with beer and cheese commercials that one cannot escape the snair of bad they think drugs might be the proper answer....stay tuned as I follow this story.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Football Phd Program considered ..: Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Local educational specialists have been meeting for a three day curriculum conference in Normal, Mn., and have today released a press release indicating that they are seriously considering a Phd program in "Football Studies" for the Normal, Mn. MATC, or as they call it, NATC....Normal Area Technical is affectionatly called "NATCH".
In the statement of program design, the distinguished educators said that a community must by necessity consider the major strengths of its character, and aptitude, and since in a thorough review of these factors, the number one asset was the hitting strength of linebackers and the graphics skills of gamers...and when you add them together, it makes for a natural Phd in Football. They did leave open the consideration for Post Doctoral studies for a destination conference in Mexico in 2014. Stay tuned as I follow this story.
Fifty Ways of Saving More by Buying Everything possible on Black Friday;: Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the tweet from the "Chamber boys" who meet regularly at Betty Lou's coffee shop in Normal, Mn.---seems that they have a little pamphlet--actually it is so small that it looks like a rolled over napkin, but it headlines the notion that the smartest way to save during the upcoming holidays is to make a daring plunge on Black Friday, get there early, and buy everything...while it lasts...
It is hard to remember what life was like before we had the "Chamber" telling us wonderful wisdom on how to live frugally...stay tuned as I follow this story.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Lineman skills and hitting technique essential "Core Skills" in Normal, Mn.: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the tweet today from the bass fishermen at Betty Lou's Coffee Shop---where all the coffee is double strong, and the whipped cream at no extra charge---seems that a standing room only crowd at the Normal, Mn. School Board Meeting last night rammed through a revision to the "Common Core" standards policy plank to be adopted that insisted that "Linebacker Hitting Skills" be given equal weighting with Math and Science. According to the backers, hitting skills are a perfect complement to the cerebral skills in other subjects, and thus are essential to the well balanced person....stay tuned as I follow this story.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Cold Weather causes Park Bench Panic: Tales from Normal, Mn; FICTION
Just got the text today that because of the nippy weather up in the frozen tundra, and the task focused public works employees ordered to clear and store all the park benches in the fair city, there was a major panic...seems that the city fathers forgot that this "Park bench initiative" was the sole public benefit to the citizens of Normal, and the unemployeed and homeless were counting on these benches, modified of course with some paper insulation, for their long term housing...
It was too much of an awakening for all...seems that the countless efforts of the media and TV channels running 24/7 talking up the benefits of not doing anything seems not to have worked...and the federal reserve printing all the money for the wall street types to feast on for their portfolios did not trickle down to anybody...suprise, surprise...stay tuned as I follow this story.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Wall Street Gets Excited About Folks Giving Up; About More ShiiJobs; About the Coming Gold Standard: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Wall Street had a blowoff up day today after it was learned at the opening of trade that jobs had increased due to the plentitude of poor paying of course the fact that the labor force participation rate has again plunged as folks have given up===but relax.....that is good news to the bond guys and pin striped folks on wall street, who continue to see bad news as good...folks cannot afford to buy anything...but that means that the monied folk will have a better selection...stay tuned...when the equation here is will be an old equation...and well known...
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Courageous Leaders who will do as they are told sought to run for political office: Tales from Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the tweet from the bass fishermen in Normal, Mn...that local politicos are seeking bright, independent, courageous, intelligent, and hopefully female political candidates to run for office in Normal, Mn....who will also do exactly as the political party wants, and will follow the "YES" and "OK" pattern of conduct when responding to political party leaders...stay tuned as I follow this story.
"Robots" provide all the "Caregiving" in Normal, Mn.: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION
Just got the tweet this morning...and pretty stunning news indeed...from the Mother of the Perpetual Fisherman Health Care Facility in Normal, Mn---because of the failure of staff to meet the productivity objectives that were set up in the fear of not meeting the cost containment guidelines that were thought possibly necessary if nobody came to the care facility, but subsequently did, causing mass chaos and inefficient delivery of health care, according to the care facility public relations department, which is currently the maintenance department since the public relations department has been terminated, ROBOTS have been secured to deliver care, and there will be continuous monitoring of seriously ill patients by tv cameras observed by physicians in foreign countries...stay tuned as I follow this story.