Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Sunday, February 9, 2025

"Hillbilly Healthcare" becomes the model in Normal, Mn : FICTION

 Whenever I face times of chaos, confusion, or stupidity--- and these times have been increasing lately-- I get in my trusty 1999 Toyota Camry and head up to my cabin in Normal, Mn.  

Back in driver training my instructor taught us not to be distracted and swerve for every squirrel crossing  the road.  Alas there was a classmate that was paralyzed by not following this rule.  Recently in my travels it is hard to drive thru a college campus and not notice all the college students crossing the crosswalks staring at their cell phones,  and even noticing my fellow drivers who are texting while driving and risking everyones health.

There even has been some who want to disregard science itself.  Disregard rational thought.  Disregard human feelings.  and just concentrate on the money.  

In healthcare, I call this "HILLBILLY HEALTHCARE". 

You may have experienced this if you were visiting your provider and even before you explained your concern,  he or she knew exactly what your problem was.  No listening.  No interest in you..  

Ditto for healthcare by "BOT". 

Just delegate the fraud to "BOTS".  And then plead innocence when things break ...and people too.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Patriot Dairy Farmers Get their Firehose Milking Gear washed and ready to Milk Baby Milk 24/7: Tales from Normal, Mn : Fiction.

 Well all the dairy farmers in the midwest are getting ready-----ready to milk all the cows 24/7 since many,...most of their  milking staff could be deported.   In short the cost of milk could be going through the roof.  

It has surely been a while since those dairy farms were a small family affair..no vacations etc all the very large milking machines changed that so it will be interesting to see all those aging baby boomers picking up the mantle.  Stay tuned.