Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Friday, January 25, 2008

Dateline Normal: "The Case of "DO" and "DUE PROCESS"-------the mystery

Well it has been a real news saga here---with the hot sports story that when one policeman interjected his input that maybe the WIAA should apply some pressure so that local school codes of conduct should be enforced ....that policeman was fired. What a firestorm of controversy. Sometimes when I get these kind of stories, I just pick up my trusty cell phone and call Normal, Mn., where my old friend, Herman, the countryboy lawyer, and veteran member of the Normal, Mn. School Board, is sure to have some fatherly advice for me. Even though he specialized in real estate law, he is the famous author of the textbook, now out of print, although maybe some rare copies are still available from Paul's Book Store on State Street...the classic text titled "Billy Bob on Civil Procedure." I was sure he would be of some help in this matter.

I wasted no time in pleasantries.

"Herman, what is the deal with those "internal investigations" that seem always to last till the athletic season in question is over and done, and the athletes seem to go scott free. What is the deal?"

"It's real simple, Wolfman. (That's what he always called me.) It is called "DUE PROCESS" and it is not spelled with a DO, but with a DUE. These are very reflective folks. They need to spend their time during the academic year meditating and meditating and meditating on all the possible aspects of review possible------why up here in Normal, we have a specific policy that all these matters are handled efficiently on June 15th each school year. "

"But Herman, that is after school is done for the school year."

"YUP". It is real efficient. After all that meditating we are ready to "DO."

Well. I was totally shocked. I had never heard of such a thing. It sure is good to be back in good old Wisconsin. Where we do not make such niceties of DO and DUE process, and where we promptly handle investigations that need to be acted on.

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