Recently in the Presidential Election right down to Election Day there was nonstop debate about the
decision of the "undecided voters". After all the millions of dollars that were transferred with reverence
from the states to the holy Pennsylvania, I think a little analysis is timely.
So--- as I always do when bemused I took the old 1999 Toyota Camry out and headed up north to Normal
Minnesota to Betty Lous coffee shop---where all the coffee is double strong and whipped cream is
no extra charge..
The bass fishermen were all there in the early morn and I asked my buddy Herman what happened to
all the undecided voters?
"Shucks Wolfman, there are no undecided men up in the frozen tundra--they are very sure till the day they
And the more I reflected I realized this was very true. Even now at 79 surrounded by older fishermen I
can't remember anyone who was undecided about anything.