Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wall Street Pundits seek to be Paid by the word; Double for Brit accent: Tales From Normal, MN.: FICTION

Just got the text today from financial wall street pros in Normal, Mn., basically just the one stock broker left in the little shack next to the bait shop, that there has been a movement lately to have all the press on wall street paid for by the word---few regular folks are buying or selling anything, and most of the trades are being done by Hal and Hal senior, the robots, so the regular folks want to talk and be paid by the word---and with a special bonus for those with Brit accents, cause unless you are a Royal in Vegas, the Brit accent is deemed to be so wise.....stay tuned as I follow this story.

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