Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Monday, November 8, 2010

Inspired by Mine Marathoner, Local creates Silage 5K: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

One of our own, lived here all his life, pride of the city, best of the best, has been reading of the determined Chilean miner that trained underground during his entrapement, and ran the Boston Marathon and finished it in five hours....pretty stunning....however...

Our local hero was not to be undone----He noted that while running the usual paths locally, he seemed to get a runners high when he passed the huge mound of corn in one of the harvest locations of a grain company....

Wanting to always savor that high he designed a 5k race right around it. As he told the locals recently...." I feel just great running this course...It gives me a air of sipping a little corn mash whiskey and at a price I can afford....this race should be a classic for years to come."

I would think that this race event could be a historic destination for visitors coming from all the ends of our fair state. What a bonanza it could become.

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