Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Governance Manuals being modeled after WWF Theatre Skills: Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

Just got a text from Herman from Normal, Mn. and it seems that although it was only the governor of Minnesota in recent history that was a WWF star ----- after a period of reflection, all of politics recently is obsessed with following in the footsteps of those famous wrestlers from the days of yore----simply because NOBODY did taunting....exaggeration,....theatre....lies...and... costuming better than they did.....and yes the recent teaparty candidates have won worthy acclaim for their efforts in following the footsteps of heros like Jesse "the body" Ventura and other WWF heroes.

I was a little taken aback by the text from Herman....but on second thought, we will take second seat to NOBODY here in Wisconsin. Nobody can beat our beer, cheese, and brawling mentality when we really focus on it....and we can do theatre too, and the smearing and lies????? We can be competitive.....Stay tuned.

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