Tales From Normal, Mn.--FICTION

Tales from Normal, Mn. Headline News---FICTION

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sex Scandal Expanded to all Married Men in Service; Tales From Normal, Mn.: FICTION

Just got the shocking news from Betty Lou's Coffee Shop in Normal, Mn., that lazy fishing town in northern Minnesota, where men are fishermen, and the coffee is double strong---seems that the rumor is that ALL married men in uniform are being investigated for any emails that they may have sent or received from married folks other than their spouses during the time of their service....this is viewed as a national security threat investigation after the pattern of Tailhook II, or the follow up to the dallience of the Secret Service during foreign missions, and the recent disclosures about General Petraeus....I can see the logic...If one who is perfect sent thousands of emails etc, then those who never aspired to be perfect may have done the same.....the beauty about the power of data mining of all email over the past ten years or so...The investigation should be completed in 24 hours...Brace yourself.

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